Monday, December 13, 2004

Intense, Addicting, Unforgettable

These books have messed me up, man! I'm referring to the series by Brock and Brodie Thoene, the "Zion Covenant". They are a fictional account based on true historical events of the time leading up to and including the holocaust. They are intense. They are addicting. They are unforgettable. I finished the last book about 7 months ago and yet, each night, as I rock my Andrew to sleep, I hold him a little longer, a little tighter and say a little prayer about how thankful I am that we are not in that time and place and I don't have to face decisions that real people had to make. And sometimes, like tonight, I find myself in tears thinking about a character named Lucy and her little baby and knowing that for everyone one fictional character in this book, there were hundreds and thousands REAL people dealing with the same. And on these night, I have a hard time putting Andrew down at all. And I find myself praying harder, and holding longer.

That being said, these books have messed me a good way and I really do highly recommend them.

Ok, now, that I've regained my composure...

It's been a couple days since I've posted. Partially, because Saturday night, I got the flu. The "too-gross-to-describe-might-as-well-sleep-next-to-the-toilet" type flu. It was awful. So I was up all night. Unforunately, Andrew was up all night, too. Why? I don't know why... I really wish I did. Anyway, so here is poor Marc. Up every hour or so with Andrew, and then in between he's coming to my aid for something or other ("something or other" = "things to gross to mention"). So needless to say, we played hooky from Church the next day. I was feeling better, but weak as all get out. Just walking up and down the stairs was cause for a nap. But by today, I am feeling about 85% better back to normal. Just a little tired. Even ate a real meal for dinner, too. (Beef roast that we were supposed to have for dinner yesterday, but at that point food still sounded discusting).

Andrew seems to be doing ok. I guess since I got the flu, my unscientific, unmedical conclusion would be that his "puking incidents" I mentioned earlier might have been a mild form of the flu as well. He did receive a flu shot, so I guess it could have been much worse. Ok, here's a new one. I beleive he is feeling fine (other than I tooth that might be working it's way through). But all of a sudden, he won't eat certain foods that he used to love. Like bananas and applesause for example. These weren't just "ok" foods to him... these were his favorites and now he gags when I try to give them to him?! Weird. But he is still eating other foods. So is this a weird phase? I don't know. It's not just those two foods either. I'm having a hard time finding much he seems to like right now (and he used to eat EVERYTHING), but when I do find something...he can put it away. :) He IS my never ending challenge.

Ok, I need to get about a thousand things done. We are having folks over for dessert tomorrow evening, so I need to get busy.

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