Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I'm (*sniff*) So (*sniff*) Proud
Monday, August 29, 2005
If everything tasted like cheese - life would be good.
Today was back to work and it was a busy one. I worked a full day today so I was covering the phones and got 20 chart copies called in. SUPER BUSY. Andrew must have had a busy one too, because he was super tired (he only napped an hour today at daycare). So we hit Aldi’s quick for a few things, then I put him down for a nap while I made dinner of Chicken Alfredo over pasta. Mmmm. We had a little bit of sherbet for dessert. Which technically, Andrew should not have gotten any of, since he didn’t eat a good dinner (He was still tired and cranky and I think he might have been teething a bit – he’s had rosy cheeks, felt warm, was chewing on fingers and drooling…although I thought he had all the teeth he is supposed to have for a while, but what do I know?) He refused everything we offered except cheese. Anyway, who can resist a little boy who comes up face to face all smiles wanting a bite of your sherbet? Both daddy and I gave in.
Then he just got silly. We let him watch a little bit of Sesame Street after dinner while I vegged a bit and Marc worked. Andrew was dancing to the music. Then he was spinning until he fell, over and over again. It was so funny. He had too many close calls of totally nailing himself on the table or entertainment center or something…that we had to discourage him from continuing… but it was really funny. Then he found our squirt bottle we keep to spray winkles out of clothes. (It’s just water). He brought it down to daddy and daddy would squirt him and he would run and laugh. Then run right back to daddy to do it again. It was pretty funny. Then we started squirting Rocky and Rocky would bite at the spray and well, Andrew just thought that was hilarious. We were all laughing.
But now little man is in bed, I just finished paying bills (blah!), Marc is making popcorn, and Monday Night Football is on. I still need to clean up the kitchen from dinner, put a load of clothes in the dryer and pull things together for tomorrow. So…that being said…. adieu.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Airplanes are L.O.U.D.
Then I set up him with waffles, Sesame Street and daddy, and I went garage sale shopping. I didn’t find much of anything. Got a few jeans for Andrew that I think might be too small for him now that I bring him home. Darn it…there went that buck. When I got home around 12:30, Andrew was back down for a nap and slept for a solid two more hours! Wowzers. We had one tired boy on our hands. Meanwhile, Marc and I just lounged around, ignored the mountain of housework that needed to be done and packed up a few things so that when Andrew did finally wake up we could go on a PICNIC!
Yep, after deciding that we didn’t have much food in the house that is pack-able (i.e.: lunchmeat), we hit Taco Bell (I know, shame on us) and took our tacos to the airport observation park. It’s just a parking lot off a hill off to the side of the airport runway. It’s got picnic tables, trash bins and port-a-potties. Andrew loves airplanes so we thought this would be perfect. We set all up and got our food out just as a big plane is getting ready to take off. And boy, I forgot how loud they are when you are that close. I look over and our son has this terrified look on his face that lasts about 1 second before tears and sobs come. It scared the poor kiddo so badly. Marc and I couldn’t help but giggle a bit as we consoled him. For each plane after that, we made sure of us was holding him, and he would watch up until the plane got really loud, then just hug us really tight and bury his face against us. Once the loudness was gone, he was fine and would wave at the plane and say “bye bye”. The last few times, Marc would just sit him on his lap and cover Andrew’s ears and he seems ok. Funny. But we took our football and Andrew’s basketball and played in the grass between planes. It was a little windy, (yes, I was chasing taco wrappers everywhere) but really enjoyable.
We got home, and I was ready for a nap. I went up and laid down for an hour or so, when I came back down, Andrew was sleeping again, hard. We finally woke him around 7 since bedtime was in less than 2 hours. So got him some dinner, played for a bit (we put pillows on the ground and Andrew jumped off the first step onto them) and now…. at 9:05 he is back in bed.
Tomorrow is church in the AM, then after lunch and naps we are going to trying to head to Grand Haven again with the Uelands. Hopefully it will be nice and we can walk the beach and pier with the kiddos. Ok…have a nice night.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Beware of Domestic Leaks
On a good note, Marc had his first sale today since he started this new job. And it was a pretty good one, too. So he was just beaming all night and talking my ear off and making me listen to his congrats voicemails, etc... So we did go out and celebrate by hitting Applebee’s for dinner. Andrew was a little less than an angel since he hardly ate at daycare except for “lots of milk” his teacher said. And he refused his early evening 'rest'. (I don't call it a nap, because we like him to lie down for about 1/2 hour when we get home. Often he doesn't sleep, just talks or plays in his crib, but it helps him get through 'till bedtime without being so cranky. Well, he just cried tonight.) So by the time we got to Applebee’s he was very hungry and very tired. Thankfully they give out balloons… this helped for a while. Once his food did come, he just played with it. Little stinker.
After dinner, we went to the small mall to play a bit in the play area.... but due to a "domestic leak" (no kidding - that's what they called it...when we asked what that was we were told a diaper exploded), the play area was closed and being cleaned. So we walked for a while, Andrew played on a little ice cream truck that you put quarters in, but we didn't put quarters in, and we watched the skateboarders at the indoor skate park. Then all the milk that Andrew drank that day made it's appearance and we had the closest thing to our own 'domestic leak' that we've had since I think he was breastfed. Wowzers. It was awful and I had to use all my travel wipes. It was a doozy.... took all I had to keep from gagging. I am thinking maybe it was a good thing the play area was closed, or it could have been MY KID that 'caused it to be closed.
So, on the way home, Andrew is happily playing with his balloon, when all of a sudden the air goes out of it. It didn’t pop, so I am not sure if he bit it or poked his fingernail through it or what…. but it deflated quickly. And the tears came even quicker. It was the end of the world for our little man. If it hadn’t been late enough that it was bedtime as soon as we got home, I might have considered hitting Meijer on the way home and picking up another one. It was quiet sad. Especially since I have a memory of being at the fair when I was little and accidentally letting go of my balloon and remembering how devastated I was. Fortunately, he recovered eventually and I bet he’s not even thinking about it now. Oh yea…he’s sleeping.
Well, I am going to head to bed here shortly. I am planning on going garage sailing tomorrow. Marc said he would keep Andrew at home for me. Waffle maker here I come…
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
No Shorts. No Shoes. No Diaper.
Tonight while Andrew went down for his quick nap after daycare, I made dinner (apple pork chops and noodles). Then Marc took Andrew to Geoff's because they got two new puppies. I stayed home and cleaned up the kitchen then just chilled a bit in my quiet house. Kinda nice.
Tomorrow and the next two days I work full days downtown. I am really not looking forward to it. It just makes for long days and crazy evenings. Right after work tomorrow, once I pick up Andrew, we are heading straight over for haircuts. Much needed haircuts.
Well, I need to get to bed since I need to get up extra early tomorrow. Blah. Sorry this post is anything but intresting.
Monday, August 22, 2005
My Sleepy Bear
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Mini Get Away
We got down there around 7 and Marc started fishing from shore while Andrew and I just played outside. Andrew and Rocky L.O.V.E.D. it there!! Andrew drove his truck around the entire site. Rocky felt sweet freedom as he was free to roam and smell all new smells. While Marc was fishing he caught two little fish, so we put them in a bowl of lake water for Andrew to watch. The cabin is near a small airport so planes were constantly taking off over the water and Andrew would point and wave and say “by by” every time. So cute.
Then Marc worked hard at starting a fire, which was very difficult since it had rained that morning. After burning our entire bag of recycle paper and an hour later we got a fire going and got the hot dogs a’cookin. No sooner as I was just finished with my first dog and Marc was working on his first, the rain just up and came and drenches us and put out our hard earned fired. We had to make mad dashes in and out of the cabin gathering all our stuff before it got soaked. It was rather funny.
So we finished our hot dogs in the microwave, ate dinner on their porch and got Andrew to bed. It stopped raining so Marc went back to fishing and I read my book (which I forgot there – darn it).
This morning we got up and had waffles and sausage for breakfast then went back outside for more playing and fishing. After giving the cabin a good cleaning and wipe down we were back home around 1:00. We were only gone about 18 hours, but it was a really nice get-away.
I took a nap when I got home and Marc had his fantasy football draft. (Hard to believe it is that time already). Well, we have plenty we need to do tonight, so I will get going.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Sticky Waffles
This morning, Andrew blessed me by sleeping in (or at least not making enough of a fuss) until 9:00. It was nice! However, when Marc brought him in and told me it was 9, I realized that we were supposed to be at a product testing at 9. Shoot! So I call quick and we were able to get into the 10:00 testing. So we have our oatmeal, get ourselves ready and head out. It was veggie crackers and they weren’t bad, but they weren’t great. Definitely had a grown up taste to them. I didn’t mind them but Andrew did not like them. At least he tasted them. Yesterday we went to a testing of puddings with fruit and I couldn’t even get him to try them. Granted they were pretty bad.
After the crackers this morning, I hit a few garage sales (looking for my garage sale steal). It had rained and was still threatening, so there weren’t many out…and I didn’t find anything worthwhile.
Right now, I am posting & finishing up the waffles, and Marc and Andrew are napping upstairs in our bed. I think today is a work around the house day. I have a lot I want to get done today, especially since I am working practically a full-time week next week. 3 full days, one regular day and one day with a couple extra hours. I think they are actually considering hiring another ‘float’ person…someone to just pick up hours when needed, such as when people call in sick, take time off etc, since I am the only back up for 6 positions, but then my position needs backed up, since it’s becoming really busy.
Yesterday was my busiest day E.V.E.R. at work. (this was coming off the slowest day at work). An average day is around 7-10 transfer requests. A busy day is around 13-16. My busiest ever day before yesterday was 19…. yesterday was 26!! AUGH! I was practically running and truthfully was a little stressed out. I had to call daycare and tell them I would be late. I knew the day was going to be busy…but I had no clue that it was going to be THAT busy. Holy Cow.
Last night, we had homemade pizza and the Dressler’s came over. The girls beat the boys in Euchre and we had Oreo Shakes that the boys had to make since they lost. I think tonight Kari and I (and maybe Kelly) are going to scrapbook. I haven’t scrapped much of anything in what seems like forever… I have a lot of catch up on.
Ok, this post turned into a novel. Can you tell I am procrastinating actually working? Have a great weekend.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Blame it on the Rain
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
- I didn't like that the sale toothbrush's head was a little bigger than I thought would be good for Andrew
- It WAS almost 7:30 which means I had been dragging Andrew around for 3.5 hours and pretty much taken up his whole evening with bedtime an hour away.
- Obviously, I want him to like his toothbrush and like brushing teeth (although the sale brand was a whale and cool looking too)
- And here is the kicker... on the Elmo toothbrush was a sticker that said inside was a toll free number you could call and talk to Elmo (which we've already done a couple times)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
It's Pizza Day!! Cheese Pizza Day!!
What a morning.
Friday, August 12, 2005
And we're off...
Gimme Five!
Five years ago right now, I think we were getting pictures taken in our dresses and tuxes and counting down until the wedding ceremony started. It would have been only 2.5 hours to go! How fun!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Quick Update
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
To Top it Off This Night
And to think...I was thinking about starting a small garden.
We get home and eat dinner and Andrew seems fussy...not terribly, but not my little angel either. But it progressively gets worse and he starts tugging on his left ear. Pretty soon, he is vigorously rubbing his ear non-stop and flat out crying. Not the "I'm tired" or "I'm hungry" or "I'm mad" or "I just need attention" cry. This is a "Help me, Momma, I'm hurting" cry. Of course, we have no baby meds in the house. (I knew this, but did I remember to pick some up when I went shopping last time? Noooooo....)
So I pack up my man, complete with pacifier and blankie and tears and we drive to Walgreens. I felt so bad as he just keep alternating between whimpering and all out crying and rubbing his poor little ear. He didn't seem to have a cold at all, so I am not sure whether his ear hurt him, itched really bad (you know that itch that is in your throat), whether he fell and hit it today or what? Walgreens is pretty close and with traffic and stupid Michigan lefts takes about 10 minutes to get there. I pull into the lot, grab my purse and realize that I don't have my wallet. I have no cash, no credit cards, nothing on me. I carry my purse in a backpack while at work and when I picked up the pizza I must have missed the purse when I threw my wallet in my backpack. I wanted to cry. I start the car back up and we head home. About halfway home, Andrew really starts getting upset. Normally, his crying doesn't get to me, but this was a different cry and for the moment I couldn't do a darn thing to help him.... so it got to me...and I started crying. So here we are driving down 44th street both bawling. It was lovely.
I get home; run in grab my wallet and head BACK to Walgreens. Well, to wrap it up, we get to Walgreens have trouble finding the children's Tylenol while holding a crying child, pay and get home. I give it to him and just try to comfort him for the next 45 minutes. We tried to rock and read and we tried to watch Sesame Street, finally I lay down with him in our bed. He wiggled and squirmed and whimpered for about 20 minutes, then was out cold. It was only 7:45pm.
I wait a while then sneak out from under him and head down stairs to start working on the house. I decide that I am going to make some zucchini bread with some zucchini someone gave out at church. I got the oven preheated and all the ingredients together and mixed and I'm getting ready to shred the zucchini. I cut it in half to find out that it's a CUCUMBER! AAUUGGHH!!
Fortunately, I had a little bit of another zucchini in the fridge was able to use that. But truthfully, I am not in the mood to clean anymore. Nope, that window has passed. In fact, if I had some I would say a margarita would sound good about now.
Ok, I am going to go. Please pray that whatever was going on with Andrew tonight was a tonight-only thing and I won't have to think about the 'sick' daycare tomorrow morning. (I am covering for someone all day tomorrow and Friday, so taking the day off is out of the question.)
Little Squirt
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?
Other than that, not a whole lot happened. I got to take a nap again today. Love that! We picked up the house a tiny bit and now I'm just getting my stuff ready for tomorrow. It's going to be an early one since I need to be downtown by 8 and have Andrew dropped off at DC by 7:30. Ugh! Getting myself ready and getting little man ready to head out the door that early is not an easy task. Especially since I'm NOT a morning person and will not have had my coffee yet. The good thing is that Andrew gets breakfast at DC so that's one less thing I will have to worry about.
Speaking of daycare, this week's theme is Rhymes. So Andrew gets to bring in a rhyming book. Now, if you know me at all....ALL of our books are rhyming books since I am a HUGE Dr. Seuss fan. However, I am picking one of my lesser favorites, simply because the book is simple, there are not a lot of made up words (something that tends to show up in Dr. Seuss books and maybe not the easiest for kiddos who are trying to learn new words), and Andrew seems to have taken a liking to it. So he's taking Hop on Pop to school tomorrow. My personal Dr.Seuss favorites are in no particular order (I tried to order these, but just couldn't) 1. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 2. Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? and 3. The ABC Book. Oh wait, add number 4. Fox in Sox. But I really truly love them all...thanks to my mom who read them to me when I was but a wee tike.
Ok, ok...for not much to post, I wrote a hefty post. Pray for us this week, as I am working a lot. The working part is fine, but it just makes the time at home craziness. Thanks and have a great week.
Saturday, August 6, 2005
One Dog for Sale
Look what my lovely canine did...

And it wasn't just used paper towels, it was leftover chinese rice, dumped sweet and sour sauce, melted ice cream, flour with an open packet of soy sauce mixed in, and plenty of coffee grounds, along with the regular run of the mill garbage. So I got the oppertunity to clean it all up, vacuum over and over, spot clean the carpet and mop the floors when we got home. Fortunatly, Andrew was ready for a nap and went down easily so I didn't have to worry about him along with all this. What a way to spend my Saturday afternoon.
Friday, August 5, 2005
Gimme an F, Gimme an R, Gimme an I, Gimme an D, Gimme an A, Gimme an Y. Gooooo FRIDAY!!!!
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Click off and on and off and on and off...
Ok, we just moved outside. He is playing in his pool right now. The joy of wireless.
Well, I never replied to the whole “Taggies” letter and got a 2nd legal notice today. I have calmed down now, but was fuming for a while. So tempting just to shoot a ‘nasty gram’ right back at ‘em. But I did not. Guess I should reply to this one. Not sure what I am going to say. “Sorry I wasn’t selling your product. I won’t do it again.”
Anyway, I found out today that next week is going to be a BUSY one for me. I am working all day on Mon, Wed., Thurs., & Fri. And an extra hour on Tuesday. Which means I’ll get NOTHING done next week, since the mornings are gone and I’m guessing Andrew will need extra attention in the evenings. I guess it’s a good thing. I mean, more hours mean more $$. Maybe I’ll net enough on that check to hit the DQ.
On a good note, Andrew is in a pretty good mood tonight, which is a good thing. He is a pretty funny kiddo. And, it’s actually nice outside. I can sit out here for longer than 3 minutes without my skin melting. It looks like it will storm soon. Has that feel and smell. It would be a good thing since we really need rain. However, it is still hot enough for Andrew to totally soak himself in his pool.
Last night was nice. Kari and Andy dropped in and hung out with us. We even got Chinese and watched “So you think you can Dance”….my guilty pleasure this summer.
Well, not a whole lot to report. I’m just thankful tomorrow is Friday. Have a great night.
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Stifle that laugh
So, Marc got to go to this conference along with half the state, I think. I would have like to go. It was a Get Motivated conference with a lot of big names. Rudolph Giulliani, Tom Izzo, Zig Zigler, George from The Apprentice, Suze Orman, Jerry Lewis and more. He said it was good.
So lately, in the evenings, Andrew is going through this thing where he is super fussy. But not like not-feeling-good-fussy, but more like, deliberate fussy if-you-even-think-about-not-giving-me-100%-of-your-attention-I-will fall-down-on-the ground-and-produce-real-tears. It's very frustrating. And it's only in the evenings. In the mornings, or when we play outside, he is happy happy happy and self content if I am playing with him, or he is playing by himself. But come out. However, today, Marc asked him if he wanted a time out and he shook his head yes. We both had to cover our faces while we tried to stifle a laugh...then promptly gave him his time out, which he took tear free.
Anyway, like I mentioned, we do have a magical fix to Andrew's fussiness and it is spelled O.U.T.S.I.D.E. Just mention the word and he repeats it over and over (in a way you would only understand because you just said it yourself) and runs to the door. So, we played outside for a while in the pool. It was nice out and we visited with some neighbors for a while. AND...a police car was driving by so we were all waving vigorously and they flashed their lights and hit their sirens for a quick seconds for us. Very exciting.
Well, we haven't been motivate to do much around the house today, so the place is looking pretty bad...put that on my list of things to do tomorrow. Well, I think that's it for today.
Monday, August 1, 2005
He ate what?
Also, apparently, the drinking out of a cup isn’t coming along quite yet, since I’ve had to restock his spare clothes EVERYDAY. But overall, he had a good day today. This week’s theme is camping. So he got to bring in a flashlight (which I was told he wouldn’t share) and got to play in a tent (which I was told he really enjoyed). Of course, he still wanted to bolt as SOON as I walked in the door. I’ve talked to other parents and they said eventually they cry when you pick them up and not when you drop them off. Looking forward to that day…maybe.
Today was craziness at work. In fact, I had 9, 500 steps before I even got home from work today. Wowsers. Good thing I wore comfy shoes today.
Well, tonight after dinner, I think we are going to play in the pool a bit. (I forgot about the hose being on and it totally overflowed – good thing it’s a small pool). While he’s playing I am hoping Marc and I (more Marc so I can keep an eye on the kiddo…aka…play) can clean out and vacuum the cars. Marc is getting a movie from Blockbuster right now while running some errands, so after little man goes down (or maybe earlier) we are going to put in a movie and fold our mountain of clean clothes in the basement. I know it sounds like an all too exciting night. J Contain your jealousy.
Well, that’s all for now. Have a nice night.