Sunday, November 6, 2005

Happy Blog-iversary!!

Can you believe that I’ve been at this for one whole year now? I had no idea when I posted my very first entry that I would still be going strong one year from now. Man, what a nice way to have a nice little chronicle of the last year. So, Happy Blog-iversary to me!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

It’s Sunday afternoon and so far it’s been a really nice weekend. I went away Friday night to spend some time with my friends Jen & Jill. We had a lovely time, laughing and eating and shopping and catching up. Shopping was a little hard, since most of the stores were clothing stores and well, it doesn’t make much sense for me to be shopping for clothes right now. However, I did get a maternity swimsuit, some socks, a pair of sunglasses, a pair of jeans for Andrew and a fun hat for winter for myself. We also ate dinner at this incredible Italian restaurant, Bravo. The food and desserts were amazing and we stuffed ourselves silly and laughed throughout most of the meal.

I got home Saturday evening, just in time to see Andrew before bedtime. However, I wouldn’t be surprise if Andrew wanted Mama to leave more often, now. You see, Andrew got spoiled with a capital S with Dada. Let’s see – where do I begin? They when out to dinner Friday night at a McDonalds playland. Then (since Marc was having some friends over for the Pistons game later that night) they stopped at the store for a GeDunk run (grocery trip purely for the sake of buying junk food), where Oreos, Reese Cups, powdered sugar doughnuts, and Pepsi were all purchased. But not before they found, once again, the toy aisle. Yes, that is right. Andrew has another new truck. This one’s a tow truck that talks when it’s pushed and I must say, Andrew loves it. So of course, he got his share of junk food that night before bed and then got to sleep in our bed all night. The next morning, after a breakfast of cereal and doughnuts, he got to snuggle next to Dada while watching “Monster’s Inc”. Yes, say it with me... S.P.O.I.L.E.D.

Today was nice lazy day. Not much to report. Read the paper, took naps, worked around the house, etc…

Well, I need to get ready for tomorrow and get to bed. Here’s to another great year.

1 comment:

Marty said...

One whole year of blogging! Congratulations. I often wonder how I find the energy to keep blogging on, but the subject matter tends to push me forward and keep me going.

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