Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's Wednesday Already?

Well, despite our crazy Christmas Eve, our Christmas weekend was really really nice.  Our family all met at a hotel and had suites, went swimming, played games and just had a really fun time.  Also, despite the fact that Andrew was usually quite sleep deprived due to getting up early, staying up late, taking short little naps, the time change, etc....He behaved very well.   We were impressed.  Of course, Andrew got loaded with presents from his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  He got a tank with buttons and lights, a remote control car, a truck puzzle, books, and a train set.  (He got a few more things, but I can't think of them off the top of my head).  During the whole Christmas commotion, he was pretty calm and mild, more like he was taking it all in.  But man, once we got back to our room with just Marc and him and myself and started pulling the gifts back out....his face lit up and big "OH BOY!"s came out of his mouth.   He even does the same little happy dance that his daddy does.  (ssshhh, Ryan and Paul...don't tell MarcI blogged that he does a happy dance!)  :)
And of course, he LOVED the pool.   I heard "wimmin?"  all weekend.  The kids was fearless.  He would jump off the side into our arms and go under and had no problems going down the steps into the water, regardless if anyone was with him or not (yes, we had to keep a good eye on him).   Although, I think the big boys had just as much fun.  They made up a 'homerun derby' type of game and had to go back down to the pool at midnight the last night to play it some more.   Three hours and 3 9-inning games later, they came up to go to bed.   Yes, Marc was tired yesterday.
We got home yesterday around 5:30, which was really nice.  Although other than some minor unpacking, we really didn't do much but veg and read the paper.  This morning, I got laundry started and a little more done before work.  We turn around and leave for OH right after work on Friday and I work a full day that day.  So we pretty much have to be packed up tomorrow evening.  Which leaves tonight, to completely unpack, laundry, clean, Christmas shop (yes, I still have some to do), etc....    Good thing we have homemade pizza in the freezer.....looks like a pizza dinner week.  :)
Well, that's all for now.  Got to run.  Not sure if I will have much time in the next few days to post...  Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys eat a lot of pizza.

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