Friday, June 3, 2005

Like a Sticker on a Cat's Paw

It's Friday. And it was a beautiful one, t'boot. Andrew and I got up and headed out to run some errands shortly after breakfast this morning. We hit a grocery store that we normally do not shop, but they had milk on sale for $1.39 a gal./limit 2. So we went in and out twice and stocked up. Yes, we are milk drinkers. Then we hit the fabric store to get more ribbon for my project that I don't think I was meant to make. Then we hit Sam's for laundry detergent and do you know what? They got rid of thier 10lb bucket and went to two 50oz boxes. How crummy. I still bought it since I was there, but I'm thinking that's one more item I will start buying at Aldi's. Then home and Andrew went down for his nap while I did lots of dishes. (We were out of detergent for a day or two...yes, I know...people used to wash dishes long before dishwashers and dishwashing detergent were invented...blah, blah, blah.)

I pretty much just worked around the house the rest of the day and played with Andrew. I made some muffins for Marc. He is going to Uncle Art's tomorrow to go fishing for the day, so I wanted to pack him some food for the boat. We also had a great (and super-duper easy) dinner thanks to Kristin. She gave us a recipe for Bourbon Chicken without bourbon that was SO good. Even my super picky husband liked it enough to say that not only was it a "Keeper Recipe", but a "Company Recipe". Thanks, Kris!!

I also got my project done...actually four of them. I can tell you what they are now, since the person I am making it for and might check this blog is now officially on maternity leave and won't be checking (or if she does, she just won't be surprised). Anyway, I know of four babies to be born this summer. Two of them anyday now. So I am making tag blankets for them. Something like this or a picture of mine is posted below. My son LOVES his and I've heard other babies love theirs.

For a while I was thinking that I was NOT meant to make these blankets. As I mentioned a day or two ago, I got so frustrated with my first one that I threw it. Then I pulled myself together the next day to finish it and found out I was missing a totally went AWOL. Then, I realized that I only bought enough ribbon to make TWO of the four blankets. Hence my trip to the fabric store this morning. Then I finally had the hang of it, I put the last three blankets together quickly with no problem and finally started sewing when I ran out of thread in the middle of my first blanket. to Meijer I go. Anyway, low and behold, I have four Tag Blankets done. I know that two of the babies are supposed to be boys and two are unknown. I have two girl blankets and two boy blankets. So if the unknown are girls, I am all set...if not....I'll have to be busy with more blankets. (Although now that I have the hang of it, I don't feel I'll have to make them too far in advance anymore.)

After checking out the site listed above, maybe I should sell these puppies. Although professional seamstress I am NOT. But maybe once I get my new-to-me sewing machine, there will be some fancy stiches available that will help disquise my flaws.

Little Man Update: For the longest time, Marc has been trying to teach him "daddy" by first patting Andrew while saying "Andrew" (since he knows his own name) then patting himself while saying "Daddy". So now Andrew walks around patting HIMSELF saying Daddy (well, "dada"). We also are teaching him to show his muscles and moo like cow. Both of these are hit and miss, but when they happen it's SO cute! Today he also got his first band-aid from an owie other than shots. I'm not sure how he did it, but somehow he got a teeny cut on his finger from a cupboard he was playing in. Nothing major, but enough that he could have gotten A spot of blood on something. Since he was upset, I put a bandaid on it and got the BooBoo Bunny out. Well, once he had the bandaid on it, he was hilareous. He kept shaking his hand trying to shake it off. Then he would brush his hands together (We just taught him this last week so that he wouldn't come running to us everytime a blade of grass stuck to his hand). It was so funny. Kinda like sticking a sticker to a cat's paw. Needless to say, the bandaid didn't last long.

Anyway, little man is in bed after a super silly day which is everyday lately, Marc is in bliss since he borrowed Geoff's Playstation, and I am signing off for the night. Have a great weekend.

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