So, this morning Andrew woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I think he is teething. He was warm, and fussy and didn't want to be put down for anything. Not even Cheerios. He wouldn't eat and was lethargic. This seems to be his typical teething pattern and I know he has like 4 teeth coming in right now. Needless to say this morning was rough. He just wanted to be held, which made it tricky to get ready. Marc had to constantly hold and distract so that I could get ready for work.
I left early this morning, since I needed to swing by my old office and drop off a baby gift for an ex-coworker's shower that I can't attend. Then I had a doctor's appointment, that got canceled 20 minutes before it was supposed to start. Of course, I was already on my way, so I just came into work early. I found out once I got here, that the calendar had me in early anyway, so I guess it worked out fine. Although trying to reschedule was a HUGE pain. Oh well.
Because of all this, Marc got the priviliage of dropping Andrew off at Daycare. And a priviliage it was. I guess Andrew was literally clinging to Marc to the point where Marc had to pry his little fingers off him and hand him to his teacher. And he was screaming. AUGH! Good thing I wasn't there, or I probably wouldn't have left. I did call his classroom this afternoon and talked to his teacher. She said he was doing fine. He didn't eat anything for lunch, just drank milk. He hardly napped, and woke up in tears like he didn't know where he was. But overall, she said he was doing fine and even got a few more smiles out of him today.
Tomorrow and Friday he is there all day. I really hope he is feeling better for both his sake and his teacher's sake (and my sake).
Also, he got to take candy bars with him today. Next week's theme is camping, so we've been asked to bring in 'Smore' parts. So we brought in Hershey bars. He also has to bring in a little flashlight and blanket or sleeping bag. Hmmm....all we have at the house are huge maglights. May have to check the dollar store for a little flashlight. But it sounds fun, doesn't it?
Well, today I worked downtown in a new position covering for someone who is off. It's so new that I really didn't know what in the world I was doing. I'm still not 100% sure, but the ladies have been wonderful trying to work with me. It's one of those jobs where I could write out what to do, but then there are SO MANY exceptions that they 'just know' that is makes it really hard to pick up on. But I am here the rest of the week, so it will be good training if nothing else.
Not my problem is this. His teacher hinted that I may want to consider "Rainy Day" tomorrow. Rainy Day is the sick child daycare. But you just have to have an uncomfortable child to use it, such a child teething. They will get more one on one attention. It doesn't cost more and should have availability since attendance is low this week due to vacations. However, A) This is his first week and only his fourth day of daycare, I would hate to totally change his routine already and plop him with entirely new people and B) tomorrow is a FULL day. I drop him off at 7:30 and pick him up at 4. It's not just a short few hours. So I am praying that he makes an overnight recovery and I won't have to even consider this decision in the morning. Please pray for him as he is still cranky and running a low fever. Please pray that regardless of where I drop him off tomorrow, he goes smoothly. I don't know if I can take a departure like I one he had today. Please pray that he eats tomorrow. He hasn't eaten well at daycare (ie: sometimes not eating at all). It's one thing when it's just lunch, but he's there all day tomorrow including breakfast, lunch and snacks. That's a long day for a little boy to not eat.
Ok, I need to get going. I have a ton to do tonight, plus I have to have little man and myself totally ready to go and out the door by 7 tomorrow morning. Plus it's 10 and he's still up and fussing and I'm on my own tonight. Marc went to Uncle Art's tonight where he'll meet my cousin early in the morning for a day of fishing. Ok....just pray. Thanks!