
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 27, 2007
We tried.

First of all, even though the movie was rated G, the previews weren't. They showed Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Bratz, Transformers, etc... During Harry Potter, I was literally holding Andrew's head so that he would look me and was trying to get him to recall the Jonah story we just learned today.
Anyway, the movie started and so far, so good. Andrew and AJ seemed pretty transfixed for the first 30 minutes. However, the second half hour was a struggle. AJ started to get squirmy - not too bad, just a bit. But Andrew, started asking to leave. I tried to pacify both of them with a dum-dum sucker. Then another one. Then peanut butter crackers. These worked, but only temporarily. Andrew's requests to leave became louder and closer to each other.
So after only a hour into the movie, we left. We hit the restroom to clean up from the suckers. I then tried to talk Andrew into trying the movie again, since we got a little break... but no dice. The mall was right beside the theater, so we walked over there and the boys played a bit in their play area before we headed home for the night.
I am proud of how they behaved. Both boys were obedient and well mannered. They just didn't want to be there and let me know. Ah, maybe, next year we can try a 'real' movie again. Until, then, I am going to have to rent Ratatouille, because, well, I want to see how it ends!
I am... uh... sick... I swear.
To whomever tried to call in sick to Best Buy: Did it work? Are you really sick? Did my post help? Did you do something amazing with your day instead of working? Hope you are feeling better.
Sweet Deal

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Praise and question
And - are you able to view the CA pictures from the link I posted below?
Monday, October 22, 2007
If only every Saturday were like this one...
Saturday, Marc again had to do a work thing early in the morning before watching the kids for the day. My friend Jill came down and we went shopping. And I mean shopping! I haven't shopped like that since probably high school back-to-school shopping. And most of it was for me! I did get a few things for Andrew and and shirt for Marc (sorry, AJ, stinks to be the little one). Other than that, it was all new (or new to me, we hit a couple thrift stores) clothes for me. And I got good deals, which makes be feel better about it because I tend to be a, um, cheap wad when it comes to clothes and will wear my 1994 t-shirt and sweats everyday, if I could get away with it. Plus, it was just great to see and laugh with Jill again. She's super and we had good times.
Then, get this, as if the day wasn't good enough. The Sischo's come over that evening and Becky and I get to go see a movie... in the theater. It was like my birthday or something.
Sunday, we went to church and had dinner with the Sischo's again. (Ryan and the kids ended up crashing the night before at our place rather than move them late that night). And the rest of the day was our typical lazy Sunday afternoon. We took a walk since the weather was amazing, but that's about it.
Today, I had Noah, but I also had a car and car seats that all fit, so we were able to get out a little and hit the park for a picnic with the boys. Plus they could run their energy off at he playground. It was so nice to be out and about a bit. And of course, tonight, as I already mentioned, I got a haircut. It's a little short. I like it, but it's going to take some getting used to.
Oh, and if you think about it, pray for the boys tomorrow. I am contemplating taking the boys for their flu shots. They are due them, but Andrew always gets pretty sick for about a day afterward and I just can't decide if it's worth it. I am leaning toward the shot right now, but just not 100% sure. So, if we do, pray they don't get the post flu shot sickies.
Ok, I've rambled enough. I need to pull things together for Bible Study tomorrow morning.
I created a digital scrapbook. So check it out.
And be warned... if you are going to see me in person within the next month or so, you will be subjected to look at it again.
He needs to know the important things...
On the way home, somehow we got on the topic of how Christmas is Jesus' birthday. After telling the Christmas story, Andrew kept asking "What's Next". So we continued on through Jesus' life and Andrew would continue to ask "What's Next" after each little story.
Finally, I get to the feeding of the 5,000. I do it up big time, I use voices and personalize the story the best I can. I really try to get into it so that Andrew really understand what a true miracle is was. I stress the 3 loaves of bread and 2 fishes (or is it 2 loaves and 3 fishes? I'll have to look it up) and how Jesus prayed over it, just like we prayed before we eat. And how the more Jesus passed out the bread and fish the more there was. And the 12 leftover baskets, etc... Anyway, in my most exciting voice, I wrap up the story and say something to the effect of "How Cool is that!?"
Andrew calmly responds, "Did the bread have crust on it? I don't like crust".
Friday, October 19, 2007
Child Free Weekend from Up Nort.
Marc getting a little exercise.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Mama needs a new pair of jeans.
Friday, I worked really hard. I had a lot to get done for the weekend and I'm not sure if I would have gotten it all done if I had had the kids. I made seven batches of cookies, oyster crackers, a crockpot of shredded chicken, etc... I packed everything for the weekend and worked around the house. That evening, I went to a baby shower with my roommate ladies. It was a really nice time and I got to see people I hadn't seen in a while. Once it was over and cleaned up, those same roommate girls, headed up north to a cottage on Lake Michigan. The hubbies had already headed up earlier in the evening. So 5 families with kids (except ours) spent the weekend on the water. Not bad, if you ask me. Although since everyone else had their kids, there were definitely times when Marc and I felt a little lost without ours. Anyway, we got home from the cottage Sunday afternoon where I rested a bit before driving to Jackson to meet my parents and pick up the boys.
And from what I heard, the kids really did have a wonderful weekend. They were run hard. They hit a pumpkin patch with slides and corn mazes and the whole nine yards. They carved pumpkins, made caramel apples, trick or treated, watched movies, etc...
Man, they slept well on Monday... which was great for me because I had a lot to do after the busy weekend. In fact, the Sischos needed to unexpectedly drop off their kids for the day and that even worked out better. All the kids played and I didn't feel bad
That brings us to today. We had Bible Study this morning, which I am so thankful for. We did lunch and naps and clean-up before picking up pizza and heading to some other friend's house for dinner and haircuts. I will have to post pictures tomorrow. The boys already look so adorable after a haircut. So cute and fresh.
Tomorrow and Thursday we have Noah and tomorrow night we have our Young Adult Bible study. There's more to our week, but I am boring myself writing about it, so I must be sucking the life out of anyone who actually read this far. Sorry about that. I really meant to just jump on here and give a quick apology for not writing and then went into all the lame excuses why I haven't.
Ok - hopefully my next post will be cute or thoughtful or something much more interesting. Maybe.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Man, another blooper.
Today, I dropped off my kid with my Dad. We met at Cabela's in Dundee, MI and had a nice visit before sending my kids on their way with Papa. Before we left, dad and I stood by the cars and talked about how we both needed gas and we probably wouldn't get it right there in Dundee, because the prices were little high. We would probably wait until we got a few exits away and get gas. I was especially excited because I was going to be able to go in the gas station and get coffee, something I hardly ever do because I usually have the children with me.
So, I get back in the car after this conversation about gas and get back on the road and drive a couple of exits and find a gas station and I get off the exit. I go in to the gas station, find my coffee, pay for my coffee, get back in my car and drive away. It wasn't until I was 20 minutes from home that my gas light came on.
Fortunately, in spite of my dumb moment, God is good and he provided a gas station within probably 5 minutes, although I was sweating it a bit because when the gas light comes on I don't know if that means I have 5 miles or 15 miles. All I was thinking of, was me having to call Marc and tell him to come and pick me up because his wife forgot to get gas while she was at the gas station.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
You Win!

Yea, I, uh, totally planned on spelling my own name wrong in my new header, so that, uh, I could tell who of my, uh, readers were really, uh, on top of their game. Yeah, that's it!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
God works in interesting ways
FACT: I watch Noah twice a week, but the days vary. I have Bible study once a week, every Tuesday. We have a car that we are sharing, a Taurus and that car will not fit 3 full car seats. The days that I actually have Noah for Bible study is rare since his mom only works every other Tuesday, so there is only two Tuesdays a month where I might actually watch him.
PROBLEM: Today I had Noah and Bible study.
SOLUTION: Well, God decided he was going to mess with His Taurus that's in our possession. We just put $500 into it last Friday, and yet on Saturday the car would not budge out of park, and the cruise control was shot. We finally learned how to tweak the car so we could drive it. (Turn key slightly, put car in neutral, start car, put car in gear. ) So yesterday, Marc had to take it back in. Now fortunately, the shop called and its a fairly easy and inexpensive fix for both problems, however until they get it fixed and we pick it up later this afternoon what did they give us drive...?
Problem solved.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Today's art project: Potato Stamps



I heard it from where?
About 10 minutes ago, I decide to check the news. There was a gas line explosion... over 20 miles from here! Now, I really hope everyone is ok - there are reported flames over 100 feet high and crews are heading to the scene. There are really no details yet. But I was shocked to find out where the explosion took place. I can not imagine actually being in the vicinity. I am over 20 miles away and it sounded like it was in my own backyard.
Edited to add: As of now there are no reported injuries and a fellow that witnessed the explosion stated that "the sound was deafening, sounded like a jet engine taking off."
Friday, October 5, 2007
Bugs in the teeth and all.
However, us being out, meant a late night for the boys. But tomorrow is Saturday and maybe, just maybe, that means they'll sleep in a little. I can wish, right?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
New Game: "Thomas Tossing".
Yes, that is right. Last night when we all went to the mall to play, he had his shoes. When we came home, daddy took his shoes off. When we wanted to go for a walk today - his shoes were missing. Missing-missing. I looked e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e! I even called Marc at work to see if they were in the car somehow or if he had any idea where they were. He ended up wearing his too small sandals overs his socks for the walk.
While making dinner tonight (after changing diapers, peeling potatoes, etc...), I decide the check the trash - the very gross, disgusting trash. See, AJ recently learned to throw things away - and the excited pride on his face each time he completed the dunk was coming to mind. Sure enough - at the very bottom of the garbage can were two little Thomas the Tank tennis shoes... covered in peels and peas. However, they cleaned up nicely and should ready once again for a walk tomorrow. Lovely.
They may not look alike... but they act alike.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Pop goes the Andrew.
Andrew waited a bit, then told me that he wanted Jesus to come out of his heart, because he didn't want his heart to pop.