Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer's in full swing...

Sorry - I haven't been that great of the blogger lately. We've been busy and it doesn't look like it's slowing down. But it's GOOD BUSY - so don't feel sorry for us or take this as a complaint post. I'll quick give you are run down that way you A)know why unfortunatly I've been ignoring my blog and B) You'll have an idea what we are up to even when I am not posting.

Here goes. Last weekend, on a spur of the moment decision, I took the boys down to my Aunts. Marc and Ryan were up at the island for a fishing weekend (their end of the deal for our Riverdance night).

Papa and Andrew fishing with Andrew's new Tigger pole

Froggys on the side of my aunt's house.
We got home late Sunday night. Yesterday and today is unpacking and laundry, errands and grocery shopping and packing... Because tomorrow we are heading to the U.P for the rest of the week with my Aunt's family. Andrew is super excited and counting down 'wake-ups' until 'bacation' with Gideon.

We should be home Saturday evening and will have until Tuesday evening to unpack and get the home back in order before Marc's parents come (Woo Hoo!) for a visit through the following Friday... when we will head down to Uncle Art's for the day.

Phew. So - if I don't write much for the next couple weeks, that is why. I hope your next couple weeks are as enjoyable as ours looks to be!

1 comment:

Amie said...

Have fun in the U.P, we were just up there for Father's Day (We're both yoopers)

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