Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Friday already?

Here it is, Friday again... and I am just now posting. Such is life. I think the fact that we are nearing the end of our summer and therefore our fairly free schedule is almost over is kicking in. I think I'm missing it a bit before it's even gone, but Andrew is counting down. He has an "Andrew's Kindergarten Countdown" calendar hanging up and he gets to cross off a day each morning. Trust me, his tone is completely different than mine when he says, "Only 18 more days until kindergarten."

We had our kindergarten new family picnic/meeting this week. It's a whole new world, let me tell you.... with detailed pick-up/drop off instructions, PTO, fundraisers, lists, calendars, sign-ups, etc... I'm not trying to complain, because I'm really thankful for Andrew's school as I think it's going to be really a great one. It's just a lot of "new" thrown at us.

Other than that, this week we've had small group, a softball game, & a couple dinners with friends. I've babysat 3 days this week (and wiped more drippy noses that I can count). Marc was able to go out on Lake Michigan for salmon fishing last Friday... yum.... we grilled it up for dinner on Tuesday.

I feel like I should update something with AJ since there has been all the kindergarten talk with Andrew. AJ is still working on potty training with good days and not as good days. He's been very funny lately... making up jokes and trying to make us laugh.

Okay, sorry this is so random. I'm trying to sneak this in while Andrew is off playing basketball with daddy (they were going to go fishing this morning, but got rained out), the littlest one is sleeping and the two 3yr. olds are hilariously playing "I Spy" while "sleeping" on the stairs.

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