Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Inviting everyone to a Party he wasn’t having

image Last night as the boys were getting ready for bed, somehow the conversation shifted to half birthdays.  I was trying to explain to AJ what they were.  As I was explaining it, I realized that his half birthday fell next Wednesday. 

So I told him his half birthday was in two days. Andrew asked when his was and I told him.  Then the boys went to bed. End of story… for the night.

This morning, AJ got to go with my friend and sons to church while I worked.  When she dropped AJ off she wanted to talk to me about what AJ has been saying in the car.

Apparently, he was telling everyone that tomorrow is his half birthday (correct) and inviting them to his half birthday party (nope).  And that his mom would be making  a surprise cake of some sort of shape… or possibly buying one and that would be okay with him, too.  And that they should bring presents. (what?!)

The good news is that yes, his friends ARE coming over tomorrow… because they already were planning on coming – NOT because of his half birthday. And…. his mom just may have to use this excuse to make a cake.  At least a half of one, right.   The bad news (for him), is no presents. 

Little Stinker.

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