Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just the Eight of us.

We had a nice weekend at my Aunt's place. And when we got home, the Sischos had officially moved in. They did a nice job of finding space and getting themselves settled in. Sorry, I haven't posted much, but with now four kids (even with two moms), life here is busy and a little crazy. Not bad crazy, just crazy. We are definitely busy - busy playing outside, at the playground, at the library, with toys, in the tubs. Busy reading books, coloring pictures, splashing in the whale pool, etc... And when the children sleep (we have so far been blessed with nap times that coincide - so there is a small window each day of quiet), there is laundry to be folded, dishes to be done, etc...

Earlier this week was very challenging. AJ would not sleep for two days (naps or bedtime) without screaming. The there-is-something-wrong-I'm-not-just-being-a-brat scream. S.C.R.E.A.M.I.N.G. Which, when you have a houseful and some people's 'bedroom' is not even in a room with a door, a screaming child keeps the entire house awake. It was a VERY frustrated couple of days. At one point, I was walking AJ up and down the neighborhood sidewalk at 1am. It was like have a colicky infant. Awful. So - after the second morning, to the doctor he went. My baby has the perfect storm. 1) He is teething (finally broke through a bit today) and fussy. 2) Teething is causing horrid diapers which is causing serious diaper rash. The kind where he goes directly into a baking soda tub after a dirty diaper. And 3) he has an ear infection and is on antibiotics. No wonder the kid was a wreck. But now, after few days on the meds, and the tooth pretty much through (diaper area still an issue but better), my happy AJ is back and sleeping fairly well again.

Andrew is loving having a permanent playmate in his home. In fact, it's like he's on a permanent sugar buzz. I realized last night, that even though I am still with him all day, that I miss him. I was always the one he was trying to get the attention of and show off for. And while he still needs help with things during the day and it's kinda nice to not be constantly hearing, "Mom - watch me!", he is happy playing with his friends. It was when I was tucking him in for bed, that I felt like I haven't seen him all day. So he got to stay up a little later this afternoon before nap (but after all the others were in bed) and we played a bit. Sssshhhh. Oh, and he conned a foot rub out of me.

And get this, on Sunday, we are dedicating AJ at church. So, my parents are coming up this weekend. That will be 10 people under one roof. Just pray the boys sleep well. (you can pray for their kids, too - but they are such good sleepers Becky has to wake them up in the mornings and from naps).

Ok, this is a long post and truthfully, I am not sure when I will get a chance to post again. Have a great weekend!

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