Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This is the day the Lord has made.

What a nice day today turned out to be! We lounged around this morning, while I made toast for breakfast (it is Toasty Tuesday), got dinner prepped for the evening, and fed my sourdough starter. The weather was crisp but pleasant, so the boys happily played outside for a while this morning, while I got quite a bit done around the house including paying bills (the not so pleasant part of the day.)

We had a quick PB sandwich lunch and then both boys napped for me, so I was able to make a boatload of waffles for breakfast tomorrow and for the freezer while still working around the house in two minute bursts (time between waffles).

Marc went fishing tonight with a fella from our Bible Study, so once the boys were awake and fed snacks we took a walk/bike ride. We ended up visiting at our neighbors house for a little while. We came home, called and invited another neighbor (Andrew's classmate) over for a dinner of homemade mac & cheese, sausages, apples, and snickerdoodles. It was a nice visit. I got to chat with another grown-up and the boys were happily playing in the toy room or outside.

When they left we were getting ready to take tubs when.... (drumroll please) AJ WENT ON THE POTTY!! We celebrated with cheering, clapping, and of course M&M's. Then he did again. More cheering, more clapping, more M&M's. We even called daddy on the boat so AJ could tell him. I'm not putting too much money on this, but also praying it wasn't a total fluke.

We ended the evening with our Bible stories and prayer. We read about Passover and Pharoah finally letting God's people go. Man, that's heavy stuff for a four year old who is a first born son.

Well, I haven't had a "here's what we did today" post in a while. We were due for it - even if they aren't very exciting. I need to go pull things together for Day Two/Waffle Wednesday tomorrow.

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