Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of the First Grade


Have you heard, Billy Joe McGuffrey by Chris Rice? We were rocking it out this morning on the way to the First Day of the First Grade.

The day started out with Andrew sleeping right through his alarm clock.  And the thing is, is that I wasn’t even going to set his alarm clock… except that he wanted me to set it.  He wanted to get up all by himself, turn it off, get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast.

Fortunately, I was already up and at ‘em and just woke him.  He got right up and ready right away and had two chocolate chip pancakes, with peanut butter in between for breakfast.

imageWe finished up packing a few things for his lunch and hit the road nice and early in order to find classroom, meet the teacher, drop off class supplies, etc…

Of course, as soon as we got there, he immediately saw his buddy on the playground on the walk in.  From then on all he wanted to do was get back out on that playground.  I made him find his room and desk, say Hi to his teacher and pose for a picture or two before turning him loose on the playground.  So funny how a year changes things. 

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After school, we met his buddy and classmate, CJ, for Frosty’s to see hear all about the First Day of the First Grade.


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