Saturday, January 22, 2011

Um… thanks, Kid.

image My very sweet six year old has started really praying with me before bed.  By that I mean, his own true prayers and not just rote, memorized, or practically repeated prayer.  And most of the time, what he says completely melts my heart. 

Things like:
“Thank you my Mommy is my mommy and my Daddy is my daddy”.  (I can almost hear you “awwe” through the screen).

However, a few times, he surprised me with something funny like:
“Dear Jesus, could you make tomorrow not so sunny.  Maybe a little sunny, but not too sunny that it’s in my eyes”.  (This was last week…. y’know the 84th day without sunshine here in this city.)

But the one that made me scratch my head the most was:
“Dear Jesus, please help Mommy to get her work done really fast so she has more time to clean.” (um….)

…in my defense, I made him do a few more chores than usual that night and he wasn’t real pleased about it.

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