Saturday, November 25, 2006

New Car Seat

Well, after FINALLY learning the hard way that are our oldest son gets car sick (this is after 2 bouts of nastiness on the way over to Iowa), we broke down and bought a new car seat for Andrew. We hate his current seat anyway as we think is defective as it is SO stinking hard to get tight and well, frankly, it's been puked in more times that I would like to count. Since, we will have another child that will have to use the seat after Andrew, we decided it was time (plus I had a 15% off coupon). So here's hoping that it's a good one and that we can keep it 'clean' all the way home to Michigan.


Amie said...

Hi K, Thanks for visiting my blog. Your boys are adorable, I love how you put the pictures on top. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving, that family picture is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting dsm over thanksgiving. you are the most hillarious dude i know.

i owe you a dollar.

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