Monday, October 8, 2007

I heard it from where?

About a half an hour ago, I was resting a bit while the kids napped when I hear this loud explosion. It was loud enough that I actually got up and went to the window to see if I could see smoke or fire or something. Then I locked all our doors in case it was a gun shot (didn't sound like one, but it was definitely something - and I didn't want to risk it). It truly sounded like something exploded in our neighborhood. I even told Marc about it on the phone trying to brainstorm what it could have been.

About 10 minutes ago, I decide to check the news. There was a gas line explosion... over 20 miles from here! Now, I really hope everyone is ok - there are reported flames over 100 feet high and crews are heading to the scene. There are really no details yet. But I was shocked to find out where the explosion took place. I can not imagine actually being in the vicinity. I am over 20 miles away and it sounded like it was in my own backyard.

Edited to add: As of now there are no reported injuries and a fellow that witnessed the explosion stated that "the sound was deafening, sounded like a jet engine taking off."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That's amazing!

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