Tuesday, January 30, 2007

At least I'm saving money on gas...

Other than the freezer, we didn't do too much this weekend. AJ was still under the weather and covered with scabs, so we played it safe and stayed home from church. I was bumbed that we missed but today I was thankful we didn't go because at lunch I noticed...



I talked with his doctor and because he had the vaccine, his case should be milder and shouldn't scab over like AJ's. So far, he only had about 20ish on him and they don't seem to be bothering him. But, again, he is contagious - so we are stuck at home for another 5 days or so. So no library day tomorrow or no (and this one breaks my heart) Bible Study yet again for the second week. And probably no church again on Sunday. TTHHHPPPBBBB!

We did however, go to MOPS today before we realized we would again be exposing the world to our family virus. And MOPS was, again, really nice. I baked banana bread and biscotti yesterday since my group was in charge of brunch. And the biscotti was a huge hit. Then, of course, we babysat a little boy in our home yesterday for a few hours while his mom had doctor appointments - exposing him as well. (Although he was already exposed from AJ at Bible Study).

All right enough whining... Here are few pictures to remind you (and me) that chicken pox or not - things are still all good.

My Boys

I have to restock this bookshelf hourly.

Super Cute - scabs and all.

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