Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Celebrate a 7 year old Birthday | Part I

imageSo, one week ago today, Andrew turned 7.  Of course, we had to celebrate as much as possible since you don’t turn seven everyday.

It started out with Dad and him leaving early to stop for donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast before school.  Nothing like sending an already amped up kid to school loaded with sugar.

imageHe was able to celebrate at school during snack time by bringing mini Oreo packs for all his classmates.  They sang to him and he got a birthday sticker and pencil from his teacher.

Meanwhile, like all good mothers, I am running around like crazy buying his birthday presents…y’know… the day of his birthday.  Great planning on my part.

However, I got my running done in time to pick up his favorite lunch, Subway, and meet him at school.

While he finished the rest of the school day, Marc was busy working our basement.  He bought a used backboard/rim off Craigslist and installed it on our basement wall.  Andrew was sent downstairs the minute he got home to check it out. He LOVES it!  We find him down there first thing in the morning and last thing before bed at night.


imageWe then had our little party for him complete with cake and a few more gifts…. a box of basketball cards, the game SET (he was SUPER excited about) and a new pair of shoes. 

We had basketball birthday cake and he received birthday calls from the Grandmas.

Finally, we had AWANA that night.  Where he got to bring M&M’s for his friends and celebrate once again.


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But his final gift was coming the following Friday…. a birthday party for all the first grade boys in his class at the Courthouse Athletic Center.  Not a shabby way to celebrate, if you ask me.


RebeccaH said...

Ouch! Poor guy!
Reminds me of our last trip to the ER with Meagan - 8 stitches in the forehead... and her story was I ran into a wall. Nice. Glad he's doing well! Hope he recovers quickly!

How to Celebrate a 7 Year Old Birthday | Part II | said...

[...] continued to celebrate Andrew’s birthday a few days later with a birthday party at the Courthouse Athletic Center.  He had it after [...]

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