Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Aw Betta

OK, I just got good news and I am hoping my mother-in-law doesn't log on to this blog, before she writes me back, because I am dying to tell her that..... I GOT THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING OFF and we can now go spend it with family in Iowa instead of staying at home eating Captian Crunch and cheese sandwiches.     This, I am very excited about.   It's weird.  Never has taking time off before been an issue.   So now that I work at a hospital that DOESN'T close, it became a huge wait and see game to see if I would have to stay.   And...not only that, but I also got my other holiday day off, Dec. 27th.   Woo Hoo!  
Ok, I'll calm down a bit.   Last night we had our Spanish final, which I must say, wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.   She could have taken the same material and made a test that would have been one hum-dinger.   But it really wasn't too terrible.  I know I didn't Ace it, but I didn't fail it either.   We then had a little feista afterward where I brought in taco dip and got to try some really yummy authentic mexican food (not sure how 'authentic' my taco dip was.)
What else is new.  Andrew turned 21 months today.   ACK!  I keep thinking that my baby is still a baby and yet I am having another baby....but then I think 21 months is not a baby at all.  He is big boy and shows and tells us each day how he is growing so fast.  He is talking up a storm more than I could even try to list and mimicks just about everything you say.   His thing the last couple days has been to get something (a toy, his arm, some food) under something so he can say, "Stuck!  Stuck!"  (whcih sound more like "duck") Then when you get it out for him (or convince him that he can get it out himself), he'll say, "aw betta".  (All better).  It's cute.  And there is tons of other stuff like that all day.  Of course, he still has his little Andrew languange that he starts rambling in...sentence after sentence, each getting more animated and detailed and yet, I have no idea what he's saying.  Some day.
This morning, there were construction crews working on our road on the manholes right in front of our house.  So there were big trucks and bobcats and jackhammers and cones and well, it was just too exciting.  My kid and dog were glued to the front window all morning.
I also had my regular baby checkup yesterday and everything seems A-Ok so far.  Heard the heartbeat, gained the "appropriate" weight.  We even scheduled our official ultrasound for later this morning, to find out whether Andrew will have a little brother or sister.  Either way, my heartburn is already starting, so it will be a hairy little critter.  I'll just have to stock up on the tums and then I will feel "Aw Betta".

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