Monday, November 14, 2005

Beep Beep

Well, we had a really nice weekend in Ohio.  Andrew got more attention than he could even have hoped for from his Grandma & Papa and cousin Gideon.  He didn’t sleep the greatest, but all things considered, he did really well.  His cousins went to see Sesame Street Live and brought him back a giant Elmo balloon and a souvenir cup, which Andrew thought was very cool.

Of course, he stayed up later, got up earlier, napped less and played hard.  So when we left for MI last night, he was zonked within 15 minutes (a full hour and half before bedtime) and didn’t even flinch the rest of the night.

So today, was back to usual and it was a super busy day.  Busy before we even got to daycare/work and then super busy at work today.   As we were leaving daycare, there was a semi truck parked in the lot that Andrew got very excited about.  “Dig Druck!  Dig Druck!”  So as we passed it, this big burly ‘truck driver’ of a man, opened the door and asked if Andrew wanted to honk the truck’s horn.   I lifted Andrew and walked over and had to stare straight up to see the guy (who seemed really nice, but reeked like smoke).   I held Andrew in one arm and stepped up with the other (by the way, we are in the hospital lot with security and people all around before you start gasping that I crawled into a truck cab with my baby) so that I am standing outside the cab.   Andrew gets a little spooked by the guy so he doesn’t want to pull the horn anymore.   So I did it for him.  And HOLY COW it was SO loud, that all three of us jumped!  And we knew it was coming.  So, now I can say that I’ve honked a semi’s horn.   But Andrew enjoyed it overall and even thanked “Gus” the truck driver.   And we were on our way.

Tonight, we haven’t done much despite how much needs to be done.  And I am getting ready to head to bed.

1 comment:

Jill Corwin said...

How fun!

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