Monday, May 22, 2006

Forgot to Mention

That while at the mall this morning, Andrew went potty on the BIG potty.  Not a separate little kid potty or even a big potty with a small seat put on it.  But a big potty.   However, after he went and I threw away his old diaper…I realized that I didn’t have anymore more of Andrew’s diapers with me.  I even thought I checked before we left, but instead had two of AJ’s diaper.  So, I tried the best I could to get this teeny tiny diaper into place on Andrew so that it would last long enough to make it to Wal-Mart, where we bought a new package of diapers.  (I figure they are going to get used anyway).   I open the package, take the boys into the restroom and Andrew went potty AGAIN on the big potty.  However, this had one of those automatic flushers that flush with such force as if it is sucking down a beach towel.  This totally freaked him out and he quickly hopped off and looked back at it utterly rendered speechless.  He then said he wasn’t scared and every time another toilet flushed he loudly announced that he wasn’t scared.  My not ‘cared. (Although he moved back pretty quickly again, when it flushed after me).

Also another thing I forgot the mention and want to make sure I do, or I will completely forget about it.   AJ smiled yesterday.  A really true, not-gas, eye-contact smile.  It was beautiful!!  I will have to try to catch it on my camera and post it.

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