Wednesday, May 24, 2006 a baby

AJ usually sleeps off and on most of the day, with his “awake time” in the evening.  He really doesn’t go to sleep then until about midnight for the night.  However, last night we feel asleep around 10 and slept until FOUR O’CLOCK AM!   That’s SIX hours!  I woke up once during that time with that instant concern and made sure he was still breathing.  Sure enough.  Just sleeping like a… well, a baby.  

This morning we got up and out and ran a few errands grabbing the last few items for our trips.  And of course, stopping for my free Beaner’s coffee.  Man, I could totally get used to a daily grande sugared-up espresso drink.  (I am sure that’s the plan…get you addicted for free, then rake it in later).  Of course, it takes me until lunch just to drink most of it, warming it up a few times in the microwave.  We got home, I made some rice crispy treats for Marc’s trip with Andrew’s assistance, and unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher.

The rest of the day will me starting to pack.  I need to be completely packed by tomorrow night.  So I am thinking I should start today (if you’ve packed for two kids…. you know it can be a whole day affair when also watching those two kids).  Plus, then I will know what still needs washed, still needs done, etc…

Well, it’s noon already, I need to get lunch going right after this game of imaginary baseball.

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