Saturday, August 5, 2006

How many more days until Marc comes home?

I did it. I’m not proud of it, but I did it today. I resorted to bouncing AJ on the ball. It’s been a rough one today. Neither boy slept well last night, which means I didn’t sleep well last night. Andrew was running a fever and very upset and AJ was all stuffed up and having difficulty breathing/eating (plus his new rolling over trick wakes him up as well). So needless to say we are all tired and grumpy today.

For those of you who don’t know, I spent hours and hours and hours bouncing Andrew on a yoga ball when he was a baby as it was the ONLY way to keep him happy or get him to sleep. I told myself I did not want to start that with this baby. But, with either child, sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do to keep it together. So a’ bouncing we did go. And it worked.

I have one boy still running a fever, lethargic, with no appetite, whiny and only wants to sit with B’s, and his paci wrapped in a blanket watching Veggie Tales. I have another boy, who spits up everything I feed him and needs to be held almost non-stop and screams when trying to put him down. I don’t think he is feeling real great either today. I think he has a lot of drainage down his throat, which is causing him to spit everything up and not eat well and possibly causing a tummy ache judging by his body stiffening during the screaming.

Andrew is down for his second nap of the day. He hasn’t taken two naps for over a year now. And it is so beautiful outside and not terribly hot. We did get outside this morning for a 20-minute walk, but haven’t done much since. I did organize the front closet during the first naptime, but haven’t had a chance to put stuff back away that I pull out. I should be napping myself so my fuse doesn’t get shorter, but I needed a little down time before I try to sleep.

Ok, this post makes it sound like my world it crashing in. It’s really not, we are doing ok actually, I just happened to post right after trying to get both boys down (oh and fix a running toilet). This afternoon will be better, I can feel it.

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