Friday, August 22, 2008


Many of you know that I do quite a bit with pictures on our laptop, from digital scrapbooking, to blogging, to photo books, homemade cards, etc... I have relied on my Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 up until this point and I have loved it.

However, once we got our new laptop (insert voice full of contempt here) with VISTA, my Photoshop know longer works right. In fact it is all jacked up. It will still do minor things... but not much more than a basic photo editing software that comes on the computer and now it is a major headache to use.

I googled the issue and it seems like it is just a known issue that Photoshop Elements 3.0 and Vista are just not compatible and I am just out of luck. Ugh! I didn't choose Vista. Blah. I just had to vent.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

Wow, version 3 :) I had similar problems with Vista when I got my new laptop. Not with Photoshop Elements but with several other programs I used.

Some of the products I had to purchase, so I just gave up. Luckily none of the ones I needed were ultra expensive.

It is really frustrating, I can certainly empathise with your rant :(

I suggest though, and yes, I know this doesn't really help you, you have a look at the latest version, Photoshop Elements 6. It has come a looooong way since version 3. It's still far more user friendly than Photoshop and the best thing for scrapbooking I would imagine.

I am mid blogging about Elements 6. There's a short video on my blog that gives a quick tour through the basic user interface if you want to get a rough feel for how it has changed (all free, it's just a personal blog).



iisamu said...

I have to be careful with this post, lest it suffer the "baby with the bathwater" fate. I understand that they are more expensive. I understand that there is a bit of a learning curve. But Macs They are NOT perfect! But, I have heard about and experienced the VISTA frustration, and I have never been more thankful that I have a Mac Laptop. Check out Apple's referb computers just think about a slightly older one or used one. Same warranty, better price, MUCH LESS HASSEL.

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