Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Weirdness of March Eighth

Yesterday morning, we woke up to find that our back passanger seat car window had been smashed out. Nothing was taken although there was nothing to take. Unsettling regardless, but Marc cleaned it up, covered it in plastic and we moved on.

I ran some errands in the morning and Marc took off for the day. When I got home, our mini basketball hoop had been moved from up high to down low. Seems minor, but it was the first thing I noticed and thought it was funny that Marc would have moved it before he left. It was an obvious move and I didn't notice it changed before I left.

When Marc got home later that night, it was also the first thing he noticed and asked me about it. Now, we realized that neither of us moved it (too high and placed in odd spot to suspect the kids). And we determined that there was about 20 minutes after Marc left before I got home from errands when he accidently left the garage door open and someone could have access to our home. Nothing was missing in our home and I had been home all day with the three boys, but it was just weird that the hoop was moved. We even started calling our friends asking them if they stopped by during that 20 minute window, came in and moved the hoop as a joke... but no dice.

Finally, we wake up Andrew to ask him if there was a chance that he did it. Of course, he had been fast asleep for the while and as much as we tried to ask him about it and even make him try to recreate it (he did confess to it at one point), we couldn't get straight answers out of him and we weren't convinced that he did it or even could do it.

So, naturally, this puts Marc, the man of the house, on high alert. We kept talking about how it was probably something totally explainable, but the fact that it just didn't make sense, kept him from sleeping last night. I was praying aloud over our home in the authority given to me in Jesus Christ and I know Marc heard e.v.e.r.y noise. Add that to the fact that we had Noah and therefore a baby monitor on picking up every noise from downstairs, too. At one point there was a loud bang noise... he shot right up and re-checked the house all over again. (this morning, I found the suckers had fallen from the top shelf of the pantry.)

So, now that Andrew is fully awake, I have re-asked him and he has fully confessed to moving the hoop... something we would have never thought he could do, let alone would do. (it would make more sense if you saw where is was originally and where it was placed). Plus, he must have done it while I was out with Marc cleaning up glass because neither of us noticed it before we left for the day (and like I said, it's an obvious move). So, praise God, other than the window being smashed, everything else was circumstantial ... but because of our funny mind-set... sleep did not come well last night.

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