Sunday, May 15, 2005

I challenge you to a drool

So, little man is a drool-ing machine right now! He is literally soaking his shirts and constantly has a line running down his chin. It's lovely. He has two of his first year molars in and two more coming in. (actually I am not sure if that is what they are called - "first year molars", but I've heard that term thrown I am throwing it, too). Although, thankfully, these teeth haven't given him his usual teething symptoms of high fever, loss of appetite and lethargy. Just drool.

Well, what have we been up to? Friday night we had Kari and Andy over for pizza and cards (girls won!). Saturday, we just stayed around home and got some stuff done and relaxed mostly. I had a product testing and we all hit Meijer and Blockbuster (After the Sunset) in the evening. This morning we had church, then Andrew and Marc took naps and I read the paper and got some stuff done. We took a walk this evening, had piggies in a blanket for dinner, chocolate chip cookies for dessert, and after Andrew's bedtime - we folded clothes. Fun times. Marc is currently organizing his tackle boxes (yes, boxes - he can NEVER criticize me for my scrapbooking stuff). I think I am done for the night. I'm just going to chill out a bit then go to bed. (Unless I decide to debone a chicken that's in the fridge - one less thing to do tomorrow). We'll see.

Have a great week.

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