Sunday, April 23, 2006

One on One

"Both boys have poopy diapers, which one do you want?"

My hubby picks the eldest boy whose dirty diapers are in a solid state, whose legs don't flail about and whose diapers are big enough to manage. I, on the other hand, get the boy who decides to have his first up the back blowout.

Also, right on cue, when the due date came, so did the 'real' baby. He's expessing himself with a voice, some crying and fussiness, Nothing terrible by any means, but not the perfectly quiet, content, make-sure-he's-still-breathing self he was the first two weeks.

We didn't go to church today. Per our pediatricians directions we are not supposed to take AJ to public places for the first month including church. Although we didn't listen last week. I mean...It was Easter after all.

Well, we pretty much just been managing the boys today. Getting used to two bodies to be responsible for. Pray for me tomorrow as I attempt this feat all by myself. We also did a small amount of cleaning as we have company stopping by in a bit to bring us a dinner for tomorrow. Of course tonight the Pistons play thier first game of the playoffs.

Well, I must go. I need to get something pulled together for dinner tonight. Probably something easy (and not super nutritional) like fish sticks or chicken nuggets and boxed mac and cheese unless I get a brilliant idea in the next few minutes.

Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Jen & Gary said...

Lucky you....another reason not to have kids..

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