Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Four Minutes of Snow

Little man seems to be feeling much bettter today. But not after giving me a horrid night last night. Wow...it was like having an infant again. But I am thankful that he was back to his happy ol' self today.

Today, after sending Marc off to work, we did the breakfast thing and got ourselves ready. Then we headed out and ran a couple quick errands before heading to Andrew's dessert testing. Man, what a rough way to earn a little $$$. :)

We got home and had some lunch and just worked around the house/played. When Andrew went down for his nap, I tried to too, since I was exhausted after last night...but didn't have any luck falling asleep. (early to bed for me tonight).

We played in the snow a bit today. A wee bit. Like 4 minutes. Took MUCH longer just to get him prepared to play in the snow. Minute one was ok and he seemed to enjoy it. Minute two he kicked his shoe off, but was still doing ok. Minute 3, he wasn't sure if he liked it or not and by minute four his little sock was wet enough that he wanted to come in and wanted him out of the snow. :)

Well, I sent him to bed a little early (8:15pm) tonight since he didn't nap much today and well, it's 9:24 and he's up again already. Sheesh...when will he learn?!

I don't have a lot to report on today, so I hope all is well with you.

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