Saturday, January 29, 2005

Quick Update

This is just a quick note to tell you about our evening, night and morning. Andrew had been whiny all day...especially yesterday evening. So we decided on an early bedtime...but when I went to put him down, he felt really warm. So we took his armpit temp and it was a little over 101..or 102 once you add the .9. So we gave him some Tylenol and put him down. Well, he was up many times before we even went to bed last night. Then around 11:30 he woke up and wouldn't sleep for more than 15 minutes the rest of the night and that was only with one of us rocking him. He was burning up all night. I thought around 4 his fever was breaking, but then again this morning it hovered around the 102. Then later this morning it his close to 103, so I put him in a lukewarm bath and Marc called the 24hr nurses line. Meanwhile, he has been SO lethargic and whimpering. It truly was so pathetic and sad. You would pick him up and he would lay limp on you with his head on your shoulder. Needless to say, he did NOT like the bath at all. And of course, we are not going to the Cornerstone game today. Marc picked up some more Tylenol and some Pedialyte this morning. So now it is 2:00 and even though he is still plenty warm, he seems to be feeling a little bit better. He is still whimpering a bit, but he moving around a little...walking here and there. And I got him to eat a bit, too.

So anyway...that's what's going on here...please pray little man feels better soon or holds out at least until Monday when his Doctor's office opens.

For now...ta ta.

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