Thursday, December 9, 2004

BEST NIGHT worst morning (TMI)

I woke up this morning to Andrew crying as usual telling me he was awake. So I look at the clock to see what time it was. It was 5:30 am. Then I realize that this was his FIRST time up!! He slept from 8:30 pm until 5:30 am. That's 9 hours straight! A record and going into the baby book.

So I get up to get him and realize he is still sleepy...YES!! But I notice a large dark spot in the crib. But it's dark in the room, so I feel it and yes it is in fact very wet. Great. He wet the bed. I pull him out and feel him and he's totally dry. WHAT? Sometimes when he cries a lot his tears make his blankets a little wet...but this was wet-wet. Confused, I sit and nurse him and he falls back to sleep. While rocking, I feel a very wet part of his blanket. (STOP READING NOW IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH). It totally smells like puke. So now I am really confused. He had to have just done it since it was so wet and he would have woken up earlier had he done it earlier. But why would he puke 9 hours after he's eaten?. And this wasn't just a little spit up, or over eating type...this was full blown full tummy soaking everything. Now here's my dilemma... I have a sleeping boy on my lap wrapped up in a big blanket with a 'wet' corner that's needs to be placed in his crib with a 'wet' area. So, (don't judge me), I grab a towel, while I am toting around a sleeping boy who has his head on my chest, I try to place this towel over the 'wet' area. As I am fiddling with his, my sleeping angel with his eyes still closed lifts his head and totally pukes all over me. It was like a volcano erupting. I didn't know he could contain so much in the little body of his. He opens his eyes. Then turns and lays his head back down. Poor little man.

So now I am standing in the middle of his room. Just standing there holding Andrew, soaked. Just standing. Can't really think of what to do. If I move too much, I threaten to make a bigger mess, but we are both soaked. Still standing. Of course, Marc wasn't home. He plays basketball on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5:30am. Still standing. My mind is racing on what could be wrong with Andrew. Should I take him the doctor? What did I feed him for dinner last night? Could it be an allergic reaction? I don't think he had anything new. Still standing in the middle of the room...soaked.

Finally, (ok, I really only stood there for probably 1 full minute, but that seems like a long time to just stand there not sure what to do), I put Andrew on the changing table and stripped him and gave him a quick 'wet wipe bath'. I don't know about you, but after just waking up from puking, he wasn't a big fan of getting naked and having a cold wet wipe ran all over him. I changed him and found something to put on him. Then I got out of my stinky clothes. Finally I switched on the light to see what I was dealing with. Ugh! Very Gross. I had to totally strip his bed including the bumber pads and blankets.

By now, through a wipe down, diaper and clothes change, and lights on. Andrew is now fully awake and actually acts like he's feeling fine. And he's acted fine so far since then. He is back down for the nap, but I have been careful about feeding him. He's had a little more milk and some graham crackers and so far, so good. I'm not sure what that was all about this morning, but hopefully it's now passed. He's napping now, which gives me the opportunity to share this lovely story with you all!

But end on the good note...he had his BEST NIGHT EVER!

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