Thursday, December 16, 2004

Kelly Wins

If you read past posts you know that I am an Apprentice fan. So tonight after a THREE HOUR finale (holy cow, completely and totally too long...a bunch of filler garbage), Kelly was chosen over Jen as the next Apprentice. It seemed like it was a unanomous decision among everyone but Trump, but he came 'round in the end.

But here's the thing that gets me. They have already finished taping and showed previews for Season 3 which starts Jan. 20 (and you know I will watch). But each season seems a little more gimmicky. The first was the best, because each person (mostly) seemed to have a good head on their shoulders and really treated the show as a business opportunity. This season it's like they picked people with a little more quirkyness, a little more likely to cause contraversy, a little more to make "good tv" which is bad tv in my mind. So then this next season seems even more so. They are creating 2 teams...Book Smarts against Street Smarts. I think the concept of the show alone is enough for good TV, don't start throwing in things just to create more DRAMA. Ok, hope that made sense... either way off my soapbox for the night.

As far as what's going on in my life. Last night was nice. We went to dinner with Kari and Andy, while Andrew stayed with a babysitter. I guess it went ok. They were both alive when I came home, although you could tell Andrew had been upset (but he was really cranky and tired before we even left for dinner). Then I put him down for the night and we rented "I, Robot". Not a bad movie, not a great one. Don't need to see it again.

Today, for some reason seemed like the LONGEST day! I'm not sure why, it wasn't packed or dead either. It started with Andrew's 9 mo. checkup. He's doing well at 29+ inches long and 19 lbs. No shots this time either. Yea! Although we did have to have his ears checked on the machine (it blows air puffs in his ears) to make sure all his ear infections were gone. He HATES that! So do I! I have to totally hold him down while he screams. Over all though, it was a good visit.

Not a lot happened the rest of the day. Same ol' same 'ol...not going to bore you with reading about it. So, I will leave you with that.

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