Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A Little More Alive

I need to make this quick as little man is sleeping and have a lot to do in the next 3 hours or less.

Today is my birthday. I am officially 27 since like 6 something AM this morning. It's been a good one so far. I played with a bunch of 4 and 5 years old this morning, who sang Happy Birthday to me and we had brownies. I got a Chili's gift card in the mail from my MIL which made me totally do a little dance! (I'm completely serious...I danced). Then tonight we are getting a babysitter (for the first time EVER) to watch Andrew for a couple hours while we go out to dinner with Kari & Andy to Rio Grand. Yea. Should be a nice time. Well, I have nothing profound to ramble on about at the time...maybe later tonight.

Y'know something funny has happened with this blog. I started this blog totally on a whim. I had found someone else's blog from a message board I frequent and saw that it was free, so I decided to start one. I didn't really have any idea what I would even do with it or if I would even use it. And now, it almost like I look forward to posting each day. Not so much that I want people to read it or anything, but it really is almost theaputic or something. I don't know. I guess that's you always hear about people keeping journals. Plus, I really must say, I enjoy having a written peek into my world that's a little more detailed and a little more alive than simply looking at my calendar and seeing, "Dr. Appt 2:30 pm". This blog seems to have taken off. Who'da thunk?

Ok...I guess I did have something to ramble about. Either that or I am procrastinating from doing what I should be doing.

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