Thursday, March 23, 2006

My calves are a'Moo-in'.

Well, I do have a little energy back again today, which is surprising since today work was super crazy busy. I swear I walk at least an average of 4 miles a day at my job. I was near that early when I started working there and wore a pedometer on a regular basis. I don’t have a working pedometer now (not that I have a waist to clip it to anyway), but “business” has picked up. All this walking would hopefully help this baby not be a latecomer this time ‘round. I just have to say how thankful I am for my good shoes. Although, I must say, as soon as I ‘stopped’ walking at the end of my day…. my calves just locked up like you would not believe. Took quite a bit of stretching this evening to relax them a bit, but man, they are still sore.

I did get a lot done today, though. Unfortunately, none of it is the visible kind of work. You won’t walk into my house and think, “Man, this place shines like the top of the Chrysler Building”. It was more of project-type work. Get this:
  • For the freezer, I got 2 packages of bacon cooked and two meatloaves made.

  • I finished organizing and putting away Andrew’s clothes.

  • I got out the newborn clothes bin, washed all those (not put away yet) and got the bassinet set up.

  • I officially finished cleaning and organizing my closet.

  • I also made two tag blankets…one boy and one girl for a friend of mind who is due any day.

  • I helped Marc on his PowerPoint presentation for his “final” tomorrow.

  • I waxed my eyebrows

  • And of course, I took care of, fed and cleaned up after a busy and moody two year old.

So, now it is time for me to head to bed. Little man’s been sleeping pretty restlessly tonight…. I think he is waking himself up coughing. He’s been up a couple times already. I may have to sneak in there and give him some cough medicine before I head to bed myself…or just plan on him finding his way into my bed tonight.

Marc comes home tomorrow. I kept telling Andrew, “only two more wake-ups and Dada will be home”. Marc won’t be home until midnight, and Andrew should be asleep for hours already at that time. We are looking forward to it! Ok, I am heading to bed.

1 comment:

Jen & Gary said...

kelli- you are a machine!

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