Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Fireworks and Bubblebath

So - it's Wednesday and I get a call today from my sitter saying that she can not babysit for me next week. No "sorry", no "can you see if you can find someone else", nothing....just a "I just wanted to let you know that I can't babysit next week". AAUUGGHH!!! So guess whose been scrambling tonight to find care for Andrew. Fortunatley, I will only work part time (knock on wood) next week. I think I have the week covered, though. I just need to confirm with everyone. But still.... C'mon!

I thought that I would spoil Andrew a bit tonight and put a little bit of bubbles in Andrew's tub tonight. So I get the tub all already, get the little body all naked, and lift Andrew to put him in the tub. You would have thought I was attempting to put him in hot lava. He was terrified! So I finally get him in, but he is S.C.R.E.A.M.I.N.G. And this kid normally LOVES tubs!! So I crawl in the tub with him and continue to quickly wash him (because he truly did need it) while he is completely clutched to me.

That's two things this week that have totally freaked him out. Fireworks and Bubblebath. And he is not normally a kid who is scared.

Today was a decent day (other than the sitter issue). It was actually slow at work, which was actually kinda nice. When we got home, we had leftover roast for dinner and played outside for a while. Then there was the tub fiasco...another bedtime of Andrew having a hard time settling down at night. Other than that, pretty calm night. Marc and I are watching Law and Order, cleaning during commercials, and pretty much just getting ready for tomorrow.

I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday already!! Then the weekend is right around the corner.

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