Monday, July 25, 2005

First Day of School

Well, today was Andrew's first day of school. And I was nervous for him.

He woke up early this morning, so I knew right away that he would be tired well before his scheduled nap time. He ate oatmeal and cheerios and he watched his Sesame Street as usual. I tried to get everything ready for today last night, so that this morning would be as normal as possible. We got him all dressed, the car all packed and headed out about 10:50am. He was so tired already that we had to play and count during the ride so that he would stay awake. We got to our lot and unloaded the car. He got to run around a bit while we waited for the bus. The bus came, I had a lot to carry with him, all of his stuff, and all of my stuff, but we managed. He just sat next to me on the bus...not quite sure what was going on. First time he's really ever rode without a carseat.

We get to his daycare and find his room and he instantly becomes a cling-on. This makes it quite challenging to unload my bags and fill-up his three baskets. Although he does show some excitement over the turtle, "Splash". So we talk to his teacher a bit, and get unloaded and he gets brave enough to get down and play with some cars. I think that since he is distracted and happy, that I should sneak out. Well, he saw me as I left and I saw him long enough to start crying pretty hard and trying to get to me. AUGH! I went ahead and left anyway, but it was AWFUL! I was dying!! Of course, my day at work was s.l.o.w. so the minutes ticked by and I didn't have a clue how he was doing. In my head I knew he was fine. After all, he does great with babysitters, in the church nursury and when we visited last time....but still I felt horrible. Next time I will definately hug "goodbye" and not "sneak out".

So finally around 2:45, after I knew naptime would be over, I just sucked it up and called. I got to talked to his teacher who said he'd been wonderful! He cried for a whole 15 seconds after I left and has been fine since. He didn't eat real well, but that's ok. And he napped great! Wowsers! I felt SO much better. She said that he still had his pacifier (which we only let him have while napping), but they didn't want to take it from him since it was his first day.

Well, four o'clock rolls around and I practically run down the stairs and over to his building. I get to his room and he doesn't see me for a good couple minutes. During this time, he is totally fine and just playing with the kids. Finally he sees me and then his little pouty lip comes out. He doesn't cry, but instantly becomes a cling-on once again. I talked to his teacher once again who said he did SO GOOD and went down for a nap great with no tears. He got a great report card and even made a project to bring home. This week's theme is "water fun", so he made an 'aqaurium' out of a baggie, sand, blue water, and some plastic fish, however it was already leaking on the way home.

So now we are home and he is down for a nap since he only slep for 1.5 hours so far. We he gets up we are going to run some errands and maybe hit McDonald's to celebrate the good day. Thank you for all the prayers and here is hoping that tomorrow is just as well if not better.

1 comment:

Jack's Mom said...

I am glad that everything went well today. I know how hard it is to walk away with your little one crying for you. Just cut off my arm, it would be easier. But they really do fine and the socialization is great for them. That little project with the water is pretty cool. Might have to try making one of those myself, using stronger baggies that is.

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