Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cranky Pants

Well, it's back to the same ol' same ol' today. I say that today, Tuesday, instead of yesterday since I worked downtown yesterday and it was a nice change of pace. Although I don't feel nearly as comfortable in that position.

Andrew was a little fussy pants today. He went to bed an hour later last night since we went out to dinner (but we rationalized that he took a nice long evening nap). However, he woke up his usual early self. So by 10:30, he was cranky!!! Like, "I am going to cry unless you are holding me" cranky. It didn't help that his daddy had a nearby appointment and stopped in only to leave again without him. That was just about the end of the world. I am hoping he takes a nice nap at daycare today. Today was cheese pizza day....a very exciting day to be a toddler at daycare!

Tonight we have our 2nd Spanish class, and truthfully we really haven't even looked at the material since last class. We'll have to do some craming before we head out. Well, not much to report. Have a great week.

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