Thursday, September 15, 2005

Me Sleepy

I am at work right now, and tomorrow is Friday already!  Woo Hoo!  This week has flown.  Yesterday I worked all day, so was tired by the time I got home.  Little man was a little extra clingy but not too bad.  .  We had dinner of a crockpot roast, then we all went for a short walk last night and he was zoning out in his wagon.  He wouldn't take his evening nap or even rest, so by 8:00 he was tired.  It was a really nice night last night.  Cool enough that we had to put on sweatshirts and socks for our walk.  But it was nice to have the A/C off and the windows open again, which made sleeping great!    Last night was my 'dance' show that I've gotten completely sucked into.  So I watched that, then we cleaned our house.   It still needs work, but is a world better than it was earlier that day.
This morning, I could not wake up.  Marc brought Andrew into to bed with me (which he thinks our bed is a jungle gym) and I couldn't even keep my eyes open.  The room was nice and cool from the evening with the windows open and I was all warm and cozy in bed.  I slept well too, but I was just so tired.  Finally, when little man could take it no more, we got up and headed downstairs to breakfast and Sesame Street (it's looking much better now that it's been a few days since the hurricane...but they are still rebuilding Big Bird's nest).  We cheated and had cheerios for breakfast and after I finished my bowl, I laid down on the couch with some blankets and nodded back off.  I just could NOT get motivate this morning.    If I were drinking coffee (have had no desire for it since prego), it would have been a perfect day for a nice comfy warm robe, a steaming cup of hazelnut coffee and a girly movie.
None-the-less, a siesta on the couch can only last mere minutes with Mr. Destructo running around, so I finally got up and we got ourselves ready for the day.  I even managed to unload the dishwasher, pack my lunch and make some homemade biscuits this morning for lunch and for dinner tonight.  
Ok, I really feel like this was a scattered post so I'll wrap it up.  For those of you who are curious...I am 9 weeks along and due in April. 

1 comment:

Jill Corwin said...

Yea on posting the due date!!! (bummed that you won't be able to do Mackinaw AGAIN!) But April is a great time to have a baby just going into summer, and you don't have to be prego in the summer!

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