Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What we do while eating breakfast...

Yesterday on Sesame Street, everyone on Sesame Street was preparing for a hurricane was was coming. The wind was blowing and howling and they were boarding up windows and getting Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird all packed up and inside for the night. This essentially, scattered with little clips of songs and the number of the day and the letter of the day and Elmo's World, was the entire show. And it was believable, too. Now, I am a fan of Sesame Street anyway, since it I think it educational, Andrew loves to watch it and it has enough adult humor that I don't mind watching it either...for the 20th or 30th time. But this episode was really good. They didn't sugar coat the storm and made you really think there was one coming. And get this...this was an old episode. The characters were much younger than they are now in current episodes. They didn't just make it in light of the current situation. Anyway, they ended the show with the hurricane starting and the electrically going out and everyone getting out their flashlights and Big Bird (keep in mind, who is 6 years old) looking out a taped up window being concerned about "his nest, his home" and the show ended. I was a little upset that they ended it this way. What happened to Sesame Street...did it survive the storm??

Well, low and behold, I turn it on this morning and it's a hurricane episode, part two...the next morning. Everyone emerges from their homes to find Sesame Street a wreck. Literally. They did a good job trashing their set. And then Big Bird walks over to his nest and finds it in shambles. It is completely gone and the entire area is trashed. And all he can say over and over is, "My Nest, My Home". You really felt sad for Big Bird. Ok, this sounds silly, but they did such a good job with these two episodes explaining hurricanes and their power and destruction. And put it in a way for kids to understand, but not get totally freaked out about. Of course, it's Sesame Street, so everyone was pitching in to help put Big Bird's home back together, but they had to stress to him that he wouldn't be back in his home that night, but for a while yet and that he would have to take his naps, and eat his snacks and sing his ABC's somewhere else for a while.

OK, by now you think I am totally pathetic and that I need to get a life....but Sesame Street...I applaud you. I just got on line and found out that this entire week is Hurricane on Sesame Street. And I have work early tomorrow. I may have to tape it.

To help the real 6 year olds (and others) who lost "thier nest and thier home", click here.

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