Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fishing for...

Since Andrew got a haircut this evening (which by the way, he did so good and sat there like a big boy even though you could tell he wasn’t fond of it), I made sure he got a tub tonight.    So he’s in the tub.  We’ve already washed him all up; he’s just playing now.   The tub is one of his favorite places to be and he could be in there until the water turns cold if I let him.   Well, all of a sudden, only a little while after we finished washing him, he stands up and says, “All done”.   I am sitting on a stool next to the tub, so I can see him, but not necessarily into the water.  I question him because he never is voluntarily “All Done”.   But he shakes his head, yes; he is, in fact, “All Done”.  I grab his towel and stand to get him and finally see why he is “All Done”.    He’s POOPED in the tub.  

So I call Marc to come get the boy, dry him, change him, etc…  while I go fishing.  
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