Monday, October 10, 2005

Stop Chillin'!

Just another quick update and request for prayers.  Since Andrew's surgery, he's been sick off and on with a fever. Sick meaning lethargy, lack of appetite, fever, etc.... He has his moments where is a happy and fine, but tonight.... his fever spiked to 104+ with chills. So we put him in the shower which he hated, pushed fluids which he refused, and kept a cool rag on his forehead and I called the on-call doctor at his pediatrician's office. We were ready to pack up and take him into the ER. But, after talking to her, we are riding it out, trying to make him comfortable and keeping a close eye on him. We will see what tomorrow will bring. The thing this just because of a cold that we were told would come out since he was put under during the surgery.... or is this because of a possible infection. I know I have asked this before, but I will ask it again. Where is this kid's instruction book?!

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