Saturday, June 18, 2005

Date? What's that?

Guess what we did last night?! We had a date night! Yes, that is right. We shelled out the dough, got a babysitter, and stayed up WAY past our bedtime. It was kind of a last minute thing, so I am thankful our babysitter was available and willing (especially since she is going to be watching Andrew a LOT starting Monday). We went to the drive-in. The movies didn't start until 10:30 (had we known that I'm not sure if we would have gone since we were both tired before the 1st movie even started). We watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Star Wars III. Both were decent. Smith is a renter and Star Wars was cool seeing on the big screen. Definately the best of the new trilogy. However, they didn't get finished until 3 and we still had a good 45 minute drive home.

Then Marc decides that he is going to get Andrew and bring him into bed with us. But he needed a diaper change first which totally woke him up...then he thought our bed was a playground, then was terribly upset when we made him go back to his crib. He cried and I didn't sleep for another hour-ish. Thank goodness, he slept in today unti 9:30.

This morning, I made a bunch of waffles (mostly for the freezer) but some for our brunch today. I think Marc is going to head to Uncle Art's this afternoon for a little fishing and I have tons to do around the house....but I think I might sneek a nap first. (Although I was downing the coffee this morning, so I am not sure I'd be able to sleep even though I am tired).

We visited the day care center yesterday. It seemed nice. Not quite what I expected, but not bad either. I couple things might be issues for a little while, but I'm sure Andrew will be fine there. The majority of his time there each day is the center's nap time. That means we need to try now to get Andrew on their schedule which of course will now be up to our babysitters since I will be working full time the next couple weeks. We'll see how that goes. Another thing is, is they have the kiddo sleep on cots. I honestly can not image Andrew sleeping on a cot. A) why would he stay on a cot when he can get off it all by himself and there are toys and other kids in the room? B) If he does sleep, he is ALL OVER the place....he will hang or fall right off. I'm sure he'll adapt, but might be tricky for the workers for a little while. And finally, they don't use sippy cups there. They have small regular disposable cups they use. The day care was going to send some home with us to practice with, but we both forgot. I can send a couple sippy cups with him each day (they don't have hot enough water to legally wash dishes there or something like that), but it sounds like all the other kids just use these cups. Finally, since Andrew will be getting there each day right at nap time, the day care recommends that I get him there about 15 minutes earlier so that he can eat lunch with them too. This way he won't be showing up to this 'fun' place just to go to sleep. I can see their point on this one. However, I work in the same building and this means dropping him a 1/2 hour before my shift begins...what am I going to do during that time? Also, lunches cost an extra $1.25 p/day and now I am paying for the extra 15+ minutes of day care too...which adds up. So I'm not sure how we'll deal with that one. I totally see the day care's point and don't think they are just trying to squeeze and extra $40-ish out of us each month, but....that's $40-ish each month. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

Ok, well, I am going to sign off for now. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelli--I work at the daycare center here at the hospital in Traverse City, and I know just exactly what you are talking about...with the issues, but the teachers are used to new kids coming in who need an adjustment period. Also, when Andrew sees that ALL of the other kids are staying on their cot, he will too. It will just take a couple of days to get used to the new changes, but he will do just fine. And with the cup thing, they are used to spills on a regular basis!!!! I am sure that it will all go well, and it is neat that you can visit him on your breaks!!!!!! Love ya, JILL

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