Sunday, June 19, 2005

It's my Blog & I'll stomp if I want to.


I know that if I think about it logically and rationally that it will be totally fine and Andrew will be fine and the extra income will be great and (here's one I hate when I hear - insert nasally voice here), it will be goooood for me. I still don't want to go and it's my blog and I can throw a fit if I want.

All right, I'll be fine. I live with a big baby (sometimes two), what do you expect? So tomorrow is the big day. My first day of work. Would the Darth Vader Imperial March theme song be appropriate here? I have to be up tomorrow no later than 6:30 am. AAUUGH! Yes, I know that many of you reading this will not feel sorry for me because you have to be up at 6:30 everyday, but let me state again for the record....THIS IS MY BLOG!! Get your own blog and you can not feel sorry for me there. Fiesty, I am.

Ok, so back to tomorrow. The babysitter will be coming over early and I will be heading off to orientation. I think I am ready. I have my HUGE stack of paperwork filled out. And I have everything for Andrew laid out from clothes, to food, to sunscreen, to lists, etc... I pray he does ok for her, especially with the whole changing his sleep pattern and everything. If it goes well, he should sleep in for her a bit tomorrow (which means I won't see him before I leave...*sniff*). Anyway, I should be home around 5:30 tomorrow (my guess, I really have no clue). At least tomorrow is casual, I can wear jeans.

Well, today was Father's Day. We had a nice roast for lunch then Marc went fishing with Andy this afternoon. Andrew & I hung around at home and worked on his new nap schedule (went so-so) and got ready for tomorrow.

Also, the Pistons are on again tonight. Series is 2-2, this is Detroit's last home game. They need this and they are currently down by 5 with 3:28 left in the 3rd. GO PISTONS!!

Ok, I need to go to bed. Got an early one tomorrow. Pray for us. Thanks!

1 comment:

Jack's Mom said...

I know exactly how you feel. I have gone over and over in my head how I could possibly stay home and have us do without my income. But somehow everytime I do it, the numbers just don't add up to anything good. I keep that in my mind as I get up at 6 am to go to work. It is hard! And yes you can stomp if you want to!

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