Friday, August 5, 2005

Gimme an F, Gimme an R, Gimme an I, Gimme an D, Gimme an A, Gimme an Y. Gooooo FRIDAY!!!!

Today has been a busy.  This morning after I pull myself out of bed (which was much harder to do today than usual), I was able to get a lot done.  Dishes unload and reload, pizza dough made and cooked, vacuumed, etc...  Then we did the store real quick, but it still put a little behind getting Andrew to daycare on time.  Lunch had already started.  There they were.  All the little kiddos all sitting around the table in their little chairs eating so nicely.  It was so cute.  Andrew did well, too.  He still had his minute-tears, but they quickly passed when he gobbled (no exaggerating) down a peice of cheese that was offered him.    I will still in the room and he was fine.  Yea.
Work was fine today.  It was a nice pace.  Busy enough to allow the time to pass at a good rate, but not swamped where I am practically running from floor to floor.  I am thankful for this as I did NOT where good shoes today.   (they were the only ones that went with my outfit).  :)
Well, tonight the Dresslers are coming over and were have.....can you guess?....PiZZA!   I think I am going to Meijer on the way home with Drewbee-Do-Be-Do first.  We'll probably just hang out tonight, probably play card and possibly watch a movie.  Nothing too exciting, but nice. 
We really don't have big plans this week.  I'll probably do some cooking for the freezer, since next week promises to be CRAZY and I won't want to think about dinner then.  And of course, there are projects around the house that I would like done.   That doesn't mean much, unfortunately.   And, I think I mights....just might....go garage sailing tomorrow...I haven't really been all summer.
Well, have a great night.

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