Saturday, August 6, 2005

One Dog for Sale

After Andrew and I get home from garage sale-ing.....I wanted to cry.
Look what my lovely canine did...

And it wasn't just used paper towels, it was leftover chinese rice, dumped sweet and sour sauce, melted ice cream, flour with an open packet of soy sauce mixed in, and plenty of coffee grounds, along with the regular run of the mill garbage. So I got the oppertunity to clean it all up, vacuum over and over, spot clean the carpet and mop the floors when we got home. Fortunatly, Andrew was ready for a nap and went down easily so I didn't have to worry about him along with all this. What a way to spend my Saturday afternoon.

1 comment:

Jack's Mom said...

Oooh I feel for you. I have been there and done that. That is now why my dogs are in their kennel when we go out. What a mess!

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